Joc pentru 1 Iunie - Ziua Copilului / Game for the 1st of June - Children's Day👶🧒🧑👱♀️ Jocul pentru 1 Iunie e un labirint de colorat cu cadouri pentru acea zi. Jocul se poate juca impreuna cu parintii care pot pregatit surprize pentru cei mici. / The game for the 1st of June is a maze ready to be colored with present for that day. The game can be played with the parents who can prepare surprises for the small ones. Am facut si un desen pentru copii cu sau fara CES alaturi de un bord de comunicare. Mulțumim pentru sprijinul in realizarea bordului. / We also made a drawing for the children with or without special needs and we are attaching also a communication board. Thank you for the support in making the board.
Buna, tuturor! 🤗 De 11 ianuarie - Ziua Internationala a cuvantului "Multumesc" va propunem un desen gata de colorat. Spor la treaba!🎁/ Hello, everyone! 🤗 On the 11th of January we celebrate the International Day of the word "Thank you" and we have prepared a drawing ready to be colored. Enjoy!🎁
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